That was the sentiment from Deacon Lynea Geinert, executive director of Community Connections, at the Friday, June 14 Bikes for Kids giveaway and barbecue held at the organization’s headquarters in Williston. The Boozefighters Motorcycle Club Chapter 75 in Williston teamed up with Community Connections to put on the event, of which Friday was the second annual.

Through donations from local businesses, community members and their own pockets, the Boozefighters donated nine bicycles to area kids on Friday, something President and Charterholder Jeremy Hauk says he is proud to be a part of. The bikes are given to kids in the area that may otherwise not be able to purchase one on their own.
“It’s a really great cause,” Hauk told the Williston Herald. “And if you want somebody to ride a motorcycle, give them a bike first!
Geinert said Hauk walked into the Community Connections office last year and asked if the organization would be interested in a partnership, to which Geinert said she readily agreed. Recipients were chosen by Community Connections, and the Boozefighters showed up with the bikes, each chosen based on the child’s age.
“These are families we serve, and every kid needs a bike to ride around,” she said. “It’s good for them health-wise. It’s exercise, it’s play time, it gets them outside. We just think it’s important for the kids.”
Despite a surprise downpour minutes before the barbecue began, the kids, their families and many others huddled inside Community Connections’ office and under tents in the parking lot, enjoying burgers, brats and more that were grilled up by club members. Various businesses and organization around town donated for the barbecue and giveaway, showing how willing residents are to give back.
“It’s great to show the community and show the kids and families in the area that we care about them,” Geinert explained. “It’s been a great partnership.”
Pastor Dave Maxfield, Board Chairman of Community Connections, said working with the Boozefighters to bring bikes to kids in need has not only been rewarding for the kids, but for the organizations teaming up as well. The two groups, he said, are both working towards a similar goal, making the community a better place.
“Community Connections is all about those two words, community and connections,” he explained. “We wanted to connect people with needs with people with resources. The motorcycle club has been very, very generous, so we’re very lucky to partner with them on this project. It’s not only a tremendous gift, but it gives that child such a good experience for the summer.”
After the rain subsided and everyone’s bellies were full, excited kids of all ages lined up and picked out their new rides. Excitement could barely be contained as the youngsters rode off into the summer evening, with parents running after, trying to keep up.
“It’s all for the kids,” Hauk said. “They’re the reason we do this. We’re just trying to give back to the community.”