Idaho DMV Unconstitutionally Denies Service For Motorcycle Club Colors

On July 2nd, 2020, a Canyon County, Idaho Sheriff denied a prospect for the Vagos Motorcycle Club access to the Canyon County Department of Motor Vehicles to renew his license, reports David “Double D” Devereaux from Motorcycle Profiling Project.

It has been long established that an employee of the government is constitutionally prohibited from denying access to an individual wearing motorcycle club colors, or otherwise discriminating against them in any way.

The actions of the Canyon County DMV are a blatant violation of the 1st and 14th Amendments and expose public officials to liability under 42 USC Section 1983. The Canyon County Sheriff’s Department and DMV should immediately cease and desist the practice of denying access to individuals engaged in protected expressive conduct, such as wearing motorcycle club colors.

The actions of the Canyon County DMV, although not in direct violation, are 100% inconsistent with the new law prohibiting motorcycle profiling that went into effect July 1st, 2020.

You can read details at Motorcycle Profiling Project.

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