Texas launched motorcycle safety campaign “Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles”

Since Texas is one of the deadliest states for motorcycle riders TxDOT have launched motorcycle safety campaign “Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles”.

TxDOT’s statewide “Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles” motorcycle safety and public awareness campaign urges motorists to look twice for motorcycles, especially at intersections, where motorcycle collisions most commonly occur.

Why should drivers be aware of motorcyclists when traveling Texas roads?

On average, one motorcyclist dies in a crash on Texas roads every day. In 2019, 412 riders lost their lives and 1,812 were seriously injured in crashes. More than half of fatal motorcycle crashes result from collisions with other vehicles.  Drivers simply don’t see the motorcyle or misjudge its distance and speed. The small size of motorcycles can make them appear farther away when they’re actually closer. The combination of congested roadways, distracted driving and the difficulty of seeing motorcycles in traffic has led to many preventable fatalities each year.

What are some tips for safely sharing the road with motorcycles?

  • Look twice for motorcycles, especially at intersections.
  • Always assume motorcycles are closer than they appear to be, and avoid turning in front of an oncoming motorcycle.
  • Use your turn signals and check your blind spot before changing lanes.
  • Don’t follow a motorcycle too closely.
  • Give motorcyclists a full lane.
  • Obey posted speed limits.

Also TxDOT encourages people to share information about this campaign as well as specially designed materials to remind drivers that they are not alone on the road and there are motorcycle riders around them.

You can download and share this materials from TxDOT project page.

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Eric Silbermann for biker-news.com, based on TxDOT materials.