The 20th annual Motorcycle “Toy Run” each year is the kickoff fundraiser for Of One Accord’s, Christmas for the Children program whose goal is to insure every child in Hawkins County will receive gifts at Christmas. Some 100 bikers participated this year on a beautiful Saturday fall day as well as several vintage cars which met at the Rogersville City Park and were displayed for most of the afternoon.
The Toy Run was started years ago by a group of riders called Wheels of Faith, but since they dissolved 10 years ago, the responsibility to organize and advertise fell back on the Christmas program supported by True Sons Motorcycle Club and local families who have motorcycles and love to ride.
Jennifer Kinsler, the Christmas for the Children program director reminds Hawkins County residents that Christmas for the Children started in 1990 because a few families were going to as many as six churches or organizations receiving help for their children at Christmas while other very needy families were getting no help. The goal of CFTC is not to take Christmas away from any church or organization, but to help coordinate names, and insure every needy family is served.
Through 28 Christmas parties at participating churches and organizations, 1,250 children were served last year. Kinsler reminds residents, that when we think that $75 to $100 are spent on each child which did not include a back-pack filled with Christmas items, it is very important for county groups to work through an organization to be good stewards of our money.
Kinsler gave special thanks yesterday to True Sons Club who blocks intersections along the way to make the ride fun and safe for everyone. Cyclist meet and leave from the Big Lots Parking lot a little after noon, then join awaiting riders at the Church Hill Shopping Center where they ride through Goshen Valley returning to the Rogersville City Park just at 2 p.m.

This year, music was provided by a group of musicians that meet weekly on Thursdays at the Rogersville City Park Recreation Building at 7 p.m. to play together. This new addition this year seemed to be a hit with participants as they played and sung favorites that spanned several decades.
Kinsler told the press that county residents can find out more by calling her office beginning in October (500-1019) located across from The Shepherd’s Center in Rogersville. Interviews are done both at the CFTC office there as well as the Medical Mission in Church Hill. The deadline for applications for 2020 is Nov 19 to give time to coordinate families and parties.
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Source: The Rogersville Review