Longview motorcycle club rides for breast cancer awareness

LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) – Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, they formed: Urban Creed Motorcycle Club. They’re on a mission to do some good in the community.

Friday morning, they set out on a ride for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And instead of accepting donations for awareness charities, they decided to make their donations to a few individuals fighting breast cancer.

Their numbers are not large, but their hearts are. Urban Creed MC of Longview is just trying to help people during tough times. Will Hensley and Derrick Lewis, President of Urban Creed talk about forming plans to:

“Help people out, things like that. So we’re just trying to get everything going. We’re fairly new so we’re just trying to get our feet wet in everything we’re doing,” Lewis said.

Since it’s October, they thought they’d do a ride for breast cancer awareness. Derrick has a relative who has cancer.

“Right now it’s just kind of personal for me, to be out here and just kind of help out the best way I can and draw awareness to it. Pretty much everybody, I think, knows or has had a family member or somebody’s been affected by cancer,” Lewis said.

In fact, one of the group’s supporters is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. So Angela McKee got a big surprise when the group gave her a donation.

“The ladies got together and made you a basket and everything. You also have a monetary gift right here in this card. Just something we felt would make you feel better,” Lewis said.

“Y’all going to make me cry,” McKee said.

Some of the people who will receive donations:

“I don’t even know them, but I felt like from my heart, and from Urban Creed, we want to make somebody feel good,” Lewis said.

“It means a lot. I have an aunt that passed away a few years ago from breast cancer, so it is something that’s near and dear to my heart also,” Hensley said.

So the group begins on its mission of love and support, and maybe they’ll pick up a new member or two along the way.

“We want to have as many members as we can possibly have, you know, but quality members,” Lewis said.

Urban Creed will take its awareness ride to Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas and back to Longview in the next few days.

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Source: KLTV